Saturday, November 13, 2010


Hello there, today i'm gonna teach the most important function in Photoshop called "Layer".

 First, open up the Photoshop.

 Click "File", and then click "New".

 Choose how many pixel, in this tutorial i just choose 600x600 pixel for the height and width. And then click "OK".

 It will look like this.

To create a new layer, click "Create a new layer" at the Layer window.

A new layer has been created

Now using "Ellipse Tool", create the first circle by selecting the layer 1 and color it with yellow. Next create the second circle by selecting the layer 2 and color it with blue.

Use "Move Tool" to drag the blue circle on the top of the yellow circle.

Now in the Layer window, try drag down below the "Layer 1"

As the result we can see that now the yellow circle is top of the blue circle. Finally, the shape with layering is done!


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